Secutix bietet eine Plattform für den Ticketverkauf und zum Veranstaltungsmanagement, welches, den Verkauf von Eintrittskarten vereinfacht.
Bei Arenametrix wissen wir, dass der Wert eines CRM in der Zuverlässigkeit und der Vielfalt der integrierten Daten liegt. Deshalb arbeitet unser Datenteam unermüdlich daran, den Katalog der verfügbaren
Anbindungen zu erweitern und die bestehenden zu verbessern.
HEEDS bietet eine Plattform die die Organisation von Veranstaltungen vereinfacht. Durch eine Zentralisierung der Informationen der Programmierung, Produktion, Verwaltung, Kommunikation, Regie, Personal und Akkreditierungen usw. spart man an Zeit und kann schneller strategische Entscheidungen treffen.
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”
“We needed a way to show our senior leadership team that marketing was producing results, and that’s hard when your metrics are scattered. This dashboard saved the day.”